If you believe in Share and Share-Alike when it comes to fanwork, you’re not alone.

The Fanwork Permission Statements (FPS) List is a multi-fandom database of creative people who are happy to inspire creativity in others, and have posted Blanket Permission Statements to say so.

BP authors are added to the list as they’re found. Their permissions generally include podfic, which is the primary use of this list, and might also include remixes, fanarttranslations, and other types of fanwork. The fandoms they create in are also periodically updated, so the database is constantly growing. If you’d like to help (thank you!), please feel free to submit new names using this Google Sheet.

This is a fan-created, fan-run site that was first populated by one podficcer browsing through user profiles on AO3, but has since been added to by many wonderful and kind friends in the podficcing community.

If you are a bp author in this database and would like your name removed, please let me know, and it will be taken off the list as soon as possible. You can reach me through the Contact form or through the above Google Sheet. I check it regularly.

Wondering why you’re not on the list? Probably because the ongoing search only scratches the surface of what’s out there. It’s being done by humans, not bots. *waves*

If you have a bp statement, or plan to write one, please post it where anyone viewing your work can find it, then add it to the list. You can insert a link into the Google Sheet above, or register on this site and use the My Authors page.

And if you need any help writing your statement, check out the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder created by flamingwell! It will help you get started by asking you a series of choose-your-own-adventure style questions. There’s more info and FAQ at https://www.tumblr.com/fanworkspermissionstatement/.

About Non-BP Statements (Ask First or Blanket No):

FPSList.org was built to help fans who are seeking blanket permission to create related works in their chosen fandoms. If your policy is that others should always ask first, or you’ve chosen to deny permissions of any kind, that’s fine too, and it’s a great idea to clarify your position with a statement on your profile page. But please don’t add it here.

Most bp with caveats can be added (e.g., permission to podfic or translate but ask before remixing). However, ‘fanart welcome – anything else ask first’, will be treated as ask first and not added here. Fanart is amazing and beautiful and has the distinction of being welcome by most fans, so fanartists don’t actually need this list to help them find people who are fanart friendly.

This site was launched on May 27, 2017 and is updated often. I make no guarantees that the users listed here will not change their policies or disappear from fandom. All I can do is try to keep up. Please feel free to report broken links or any other issues with the site.

Thank you,
Rindle (she/her)